15th-19th August
We had thoroughly enjoyed our walk round the gardens of the Alhambra. Possibly we had chosen the best time of year: trees and flowers were in full bloom and the water gardens provided a sense of coolness: shaded by the trees, they offered a respite from the blaze of the sun, the sound of running water soothing the senses and reducing the effect of the heat. Certainly, there were lots of people around but never so many that they detracted from the sense of peace that the gardens created.
But we couldn't wait around until seven o'clock, our designated time for the palaces, so finally we agreed, it was time to go. Of course, by then it was too late to go back into the city, to take the opportunity to visit the Arab Quarter, or maybe the Jewish Quarter. It was time to head back to Almerimar. Our main objective in visiting Granada had been the Alhambra and the gardens especially. We had done that. We should have allowed more time... or bought tickets in advance, which we could easily have done had we only known the difficulty of buying them on the day. Maybe we will go back one day...
The drive back took us along the Malaga motorway as far as Motril where we made a left turn and headed back to Almerimar. A new motorway is under construction around the mountains and along the coast. We had thoroughly enjoyed the motorway from AlmerÃa to Granada. This new motorway, when it is eventually completed, is going to be spectacular. High viaducts that span deep valleys, mountain stretches that sit on the very edge of the land making one giddy just looking out of the car window to the sea far below. It is breathtaking.
Back in Almerimar, the new alternator had arrived. With luck, we could leave tomorrow. I am always optimistic. It was good to be back, good to get back to Ganymede, good to be 'home'. I planned the shopping, what Tony might like to eat when I couldn't even think of cooking: easy food, convenience food.
Nothing ever goes to plan! Next morning Tony started work on the alternator while I made a couple of trips to Mercadona... after coffee and tostadas, of course. I was unpacking some shopping when Tony broke the news: the drive belts he had, that he thought were the correct size, weren't... so off he went to the chandlery while I made another trip to Mercadona. I was still optimistic: we would leave either today or tomorrow morning. Wrong again! The chandlery didn't stock the belts we needed, it was a holiday weekend, Monday or Tuesday was the earliest we could expect to get them. Hmmm! I so wanted to leave, so wanted to be on our way to the next destination.
At the same time... I was beginning to like Almerimar, beginning to think that maybe I would like to spend the winter here... those mountains really are special, we liked the people we had met and it seemed like a good place to have any necessary work done on Ganymede. I had started with expectations of Almerimar that were wrong, that weren't what Almerimar is about... now I had put down some shallow roots. They were easy to pull up but they could just as easily have taken hold, have provided a pleasant base. Split personality, that's what I have!
We finally left late Tuesday afternoon. It was a close thing: the new belts were a very tight fit and right up until the last minute I thought we wouldn't be leaving, we would have to wait for another set of fan belts but suddenly they were on, the alternator was working as it should, we could go...
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