4th-11th July
We were busy in Cartagena. Ganymede was is need of a good wash and we spent a day cleaning the decks and the blue topsides. She was gleaming at the end of it. Of course, it doesn't last... I am always surprised how dirty and dusty boat living can be. Even, or especially, on a long sea passage Ganymede gets very dusty inside and there is always the salt water that splashes on the decks and the windows and then dries, leaving a residue of salt behind. But for a few days in Cartagena, Ganymede was clean.
It wasn't all work, of course, and we had made several sorties into the town, enjoyed several dinners out and made a big supermarket shop, Carrefour being nearby and taxis easy to find. There was even a Bargain Books in town. Very welcome!
But we had to leave, start making our way slowly back to Moraira to await Charlie's arrival. No submarines surprised us on the way out but the wind wasn't being good to us. As usual, it was on the nose. We had plenty of time so we decided to make a long tack out to sea and then, joy of joys, the wind slowly changed, came round to suit our direction and we had a perfect sail all the way to Torrevieja, arriving in the harbour just before sunset.
Our plan was to stay one or two nights there but it didn't quite work out like that. A cooling fan for the engine had given up and we needed to replace it. At the chandlery they confirmed they could order one for us and it would take maybe a couple of days. This was on Monday, so no problem, we could easily stay until Wednesday. Which we did, exploring new parts of the town each day. We walked along the esplanade one evening: busy with people walking, sitting at pavements cafés eating and drinking, people on the beach still. There was a lady standing looking out to sea, another of those bronze statues. One strange thing we noticed was the number of policemen on the beat. The town seemed quiet and peaceful and there was no apparent need for quite such a display of strength. Tony thought that maybe they have a problem with pickpockets.
By Wednesday we had covered much of the town, found another source of cut-price books, and established a few regular coffee stops and lunch stops. The fan still hadn't arrived. On Thursday we visited the salt museum and bumped into Henry Macaulay. Henry is from Dunoon on the west coast of Scotland but has lived in the Torrevieja area for the last twelve years. His passions are the museum, naval history and making scale models of famous navy ships. He proudly showed us round the museum pointing out special models and items of particular interest. We discovered that the town employs someone to make models of buildings, the salt works, boats, anything of historical interest. A new museum is being made ready but work had to stop when archeological remains were found. That was three years ago. Henry thought the new museum might now be ready by the end of the year.
The fan didn't arrive on Thursday either but we were assured that it would be there Friday afternoon. Our next expedition was to try to find the little train that would take us to the lagoon and the salt works. We found the railway museum... but that was all. However, that took us to the edge of town and we realised how we missed being in a more rural environment. We would have walked to the lagoon but it really was very hot. And perhaps the flamingoes that we were promised to see would have been as elusive as the little train. So we had lunch instead. Italian. Delicious.
The fan arrived on Friday. We had collected it and were planning our departure for the following morning when the port police arrived in a large inflatable. Did we know we were not allowed to anchor here? Well no, we didn't. I would add that every day a flotilla of small boats came out of the various marinas and spent the day at anchor so I suppose what they meant was that we were not allowed to anchor OVERNIGHT. We should pay to go into a marina for that. Oh well, we had a good run. If only that fan had arrived a day earlier we would still be able to anchor in the bay!
We explained that we were leaving the next day, we had been waiting for a part to arrive and it had arrived now so off they went, leaving us to anchor overnight one more time.
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